General Company Information
Link to parent CRM Company item
Track additional “CRM Info” fields for each company
Field labels are user
“Company Type” allows multi-select
“Custom Fields” provide nine additional user configurable
“Notes” supports user configurable notes
“Industries” (not shown) supports a multi-select field for
Each company may be linked to a “Primary Contact”
(pick button)
Tab names are user configurable
Extensions forms are user customizable:
Add functions (database links, etc.)
“CRM Functions” options are set on the CRM Options “*Extensions
Forms” tab.
Company related phone numbers
“Account Manager” identification (supports CRM Account
Management functions)
Buttons to launch standard CRM “Actions”
for the “Primary Contact”
Actions” provide a user configurable list of additional CRM productivity
functions (Task for “Next Action”, Copy item, Dial phone, etc.)
Functions” is a user configurable list of custom links to your
environment outside of CRM (launch webpage with URL containing data
from form, open any file/folder for sales collateral info, etc.)
View / Open all Opportunities (and Projects) that are linked to this
additional Opportunities (and Projects) to this
Company (pick button)
Supports general notes and attachments of related files